
OLAV has developed a number of products over the years. Those most relevant to today’s most pressing needs include the following:

HydroDCS– OLAV developed this ACE-IT approved and DISA STIG compliant satellite data collection and visualization tool (HydroDCS™) under our IDIQ contract with the Army Corps of Engineers Portland District that’s available as both an on-premise appliance and SaaS that could be a real value-add to other dam operators across America.

It’s currently in use at USACE Portland dams where it’s provided satellite data access for 24/7/365 data availability when wildfires disrupted network access to data. It has similar utility for data redundancy and secondary back-up during other network disruptions – such as cybersecurity breaches – to assure operational continuity, efficient remediation and avoided downtime.

We believe adding this tool to other dam operators’ capabilities will assure increased data availability, uninterrupted dam operations and improved dam resiliency.

For a video demo of how HydroDCS™ is currently being used to provide dam operators with heightened data availability, operational continuity and system resiliency, click here.