Asset Suite (PassPort™) IBM-DB2 to UNIX-ORACLE Migration

With the availability of faster and more cost-effective computer platforms, Asset Suite/PassPort customers have the opportunity to move from the mainframe/DB2 world to the Unix/Oracle environment. OLAV provides software tools, migration strategies, and experienced consultants to move both production data and system architecture data from the DB2 environment to an Oracle on Unix environment.
The Asset Suite/PassPort Release Upgrade service would require approximately three months.
  1. A two-week period is required to perform the initial data migration (by OLAV).  This includes verifying table structures in both releases, accounting for structural discrepancies, and moving the data.  Special data corrections or translations will be identified at this time.  A report detailing the structural differences is produced.  A detailed before/after record count report is also produced.
  2. One month is then available for the client to review and validate the Asset Suite/PassPort system and data on the target platform.  Any corrections or discrepancies should be documented for later correction.
  3. One week is required to perform the second full data migration (by OLAV).  A detailed production release upgrade schedule will be produced at this time for client review.
  4. A one-month period follows for a final client review and signoff of the new Asset Suite/PassPort system and data.
  5. The final production data migration will require one week.  The final report detailing the number of tables and records moved is produced.
The total estimated cost for OLAV services can be as low as $75,000.  This is based on full client support to OLAV as requested throughout the project.
OLAV has successfully completed a migration from a PassPort on DB2 to an Oracle on Unix environment.  This included the development of specialized programs to migrate both the character and binary data in the TIDBLOB table.  The project was completed in less time than the Project Plan described above.  The final migration moved over 35 million records in less than 12 hours, with no errors.